Međunarodni EU projekti Projekti u provedbi Projekt 3EFISHING - 3E-innovation of small-scale fisheries and aquaculture: research-based and piloted Electricengine refitting of fishing vessels to enhance Environmental and Economic Adriatic Blue Growth Projekt Central - BIC - Central Europe Biodiversity Innovative Communities Provedeni projekti Projekt SAFE - Bilateral cooperation in the field of Sustainable upcycling of by-products in the fields of Aquaculture and Fisheries Projekt TECHERA - A new technology era in the Adriatic Sea – Big data sharing and analytics for a circular sea economy Projekt ARGOS - ShARed GOvernance of Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture activities as leverage to protect marine resources in the Adriatic Sea FIRESPILL- Fostering improved reaction of crossborder emergency services and prevention increasing safety level Projekt CUHaCHA – EnhanCing Sustainable ToUrism Development through Culinary HeritAge Informacijski centar Europe Direct Zadar 2018-2020 HERCULTOUR – HERa trademark, CULtural TOURism routes and visitor centres strengthening READINESS- Resilience Enhancement of ADrIatic basiN by firE and SeiSmic hazards ZERO WASTE BLUE Projekt PRIZEFISH – Piloting of eco-innovative fishery supply-chains to market added-value Adriatic fish productsProjekt IRENE: Interregional Renewable & ENErgy efficiency network Projekt Adri.SmArtFish – Valorisation of SMall-scale ARTisanal FISHery of the Adriatic coasts, in a context of sustainability B.TRANSPARENT: Jačanje lokalnih partnerstva za transparentno upravljanje javnim dobrima i prirodnim resursima na području Novigradskog i Karinskog mora INFORMACIJSKI CENTAR EUROPE DIRECT ZADAR BUILDING BRIDGES BETWEEN SENIOR CITIZENS AND STUDENTS IN THE ELDERLY CARE IN THE EU HOLISTIC HERA CITEK HAZADR ECOSEA ZELENI OTOCI i - SCOPE Una - Spring of life Mogućnosti volontiranja u podršci starijim i socijalno isključenim građanima u EU HANS (Health Adriatic Network Skills) D.A.M.A.C. Agro Meteo ZD DORY projekt ForBioEnergy Projekt PESCAR – Pesticide Control and Reduction